The eight practices are:
1. Yama- ethical codes
2. Niyama-self-purification and learning
3. Asana –posture
4. Pranayama- breathing postures
5. Pratyahara-controlling senses
6. Dharana-attentiveness
7. Dhyana –meditation
8. Samadhi-absorption into infinity
Ashtanga yoga in India is quite popular with as it has already achieved best results in healing and well-being of mind and soul. There are many institutes offering Ashtanga yoga teacher training courses in India. They are Asthanga Yoga, Mysore, Ananda Yoga, Mysore, Purple Valley Goa, SOHYAA Goa, Asthanga Vinyas in Rishikesh etc. Ashtanga yoga teacher training courses provide detailed knowledge on the various theories of the yoga form- the different practices, their applications and functions in daily life.
Any disciplined, interested and energetic person with a good conduct can join Ashtanga yoga instructor training. During the course tenure few practices are to be followed like no consumption of non-veg food, alcohol and smoking, no sensual pleasures and living a simple and satin life.
Aspiring Ashtanga teachers in the courses are not allowed to chat amongst themselves, instead show full dedication and passion to the course. Sacrificing lifestyle luxuries is of utmost importance.
Asthanga yoga instructor training is an all-inclusive course with special emphasis on Sarva Hitta Asanas, Postures and the Anatomy and Physiology behind the Asanas, Mudra therapy, Pranayama, Kriyas, Mediation, Yoga Philosophy, Spiritual Discussions, Ayurvedic and Yogic Diet.