Thursday, 11 June 2015

Work your way to relaxed pregnancy with pre natal yoga

Pregnancy is a time when a woman receives immense joy. The thought of nurturing a life inside a womb makes a women feel like a mother even before she has given birth to a child. It surely is the time when one should take rest and eat healthy. But it is that time too when the hormone levels are shooting up and so do the stress levels. The expecting mothers should be helped by experts who have knowledge of yoga and also has taken prenatal yoga teacher training so that they can have a time of their lives. Support women in getting healthy pregnancy in terms of physical, mental and spiritual being, with the help of yoga. The general complaint that all the conceiving mothers make is back pain, stress on their hips, shoulders and arms, with the power of asanas and different poses they can sail through their pregnancy without much of stress.

The body is constantly changing during pregnancy and the stress related to it sometimes become very challenging. The trainers can keep the learners fit and toned down with various yogic postures. Each and every yoga position soothes different muscle of the body thus a combination of these would help in working on the entire body. Along with the regular exercises, the trainers teach the would-be mother to handle the labor pains just with the breathing exercises. With the deep inhaling and exhaling the body gets enriched with oxygen giving proper circulation of blood. 

The exercises are targeted to strengthen and toning of the muscles which are used during childbirth along with increasing the stamina of the mothers. It ensures good health of mother and child, women practicing yoga during their pregnancies were found to be less prone to pregnancy related diabetes, blood pressure and even the swelling that occurs during that time. Keeping one in shape it will also help in getting tune with the needs of the body. Aid an expecting mother in going through this beautiful phase of life without any pain and stress.

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